Herbed Fish Fillet Pasta Recipe

If you're staying away from meat, here's a great pasta recipe.

Categories Pasta/Noodles, Seafood, Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce
Preparation Time15 min.
Cooking Time19 mins.
Number of Servings 6


    • 2 Tbsp olive oil
    • 1 Tbsp garlic, crushed
    • 1/2 tsp ginger, grated
    • 1/4 cup onion, white, sliced
    • 250 g tanigue, fillet, cubed
    • 1 pouch DEL MONTE Italian Style Spaghetti Sauce (250g)
    • 1 Tbsp basil, fresh, chopped
    • 1/3 tsp salt
    • 1/4 tsp pepper, black
    • 1/2 pack DEL MONTE Spaghetti (400g), cooked
    • 1/2 Tbsp cheese, grated

Cooking Tools Needed

    • Chopping Board
    • Measuring Cups
    • Spatula
    • Grater
    • Measuring Spoon

Cooking Skills Needed

    • Mixing
    • Slicing
    • Sautéing
    • Simmering


  1. Sauté garlic in olive oil until light brown for 5 minutes. Add ginger, onion and fish. Cook until the fish turns white.
  2. Add DEL MONTE Italian Style Spaghetti Sauce and basil leaves. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil then turn down to simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour and mix over cooked DEL MONTE Spaghetti. Sprinkle with cheese.

Lusog Notes

This pasta dish contains Vitamin A that keeps the skin, teeth, and bones healthy. It also promotes normal growth and development.

Chef's Tip

Cook the fish over high heat so that the surface quickly sears without sticking to the pan.


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