Ham-Eggplant Roll Ups Recipe

Transform leftover ham into a tasty snack!

Categories Main Dish, Pork, Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce
Preparation Time10 min.
Cooking Time33 mins.
Number of Servings 5


    • 350 g eggplant
    • - water, for sprinkling
    • - salt, to taste
    • - pepper, to taste
    • 1 pouch DEL MONTE Italian Style Spaghetti Sauce (250g)
    • 200 g ham, sweet
    • 100 g melting cheese, sliced thinly
    • 1 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 pc egg
    • 1 cup bread crumbs, Japanese
    • 2 cups oil, for deep-frying
    • 2 Tbsp oil
    • 2 Tbsp garlic
    • 1/4 cup button mushroom, canned, sliced
    • - salt, to taste
    • - pepper, to taste

Cooking Tools Needed

    • Measuring Cups
    • Spatula
    • Chopping Board
    • Measuring Spoon
    • Pot
    • Tray

Cooking Skills Needed

    • Boiling
    • Deep Frying
    • Sautéing


1. Slice each eggplant lengthwise into 4 - 5 pieces. Sprinkle with water then season with salt and pepper to taste.

2. Brush eggplant slices with DEL MONTE Italian Style Spaghetti Sauce. Lay each center of the slice with ham and then cheese slices (2 - 3 slices). Roll and secure end with toothpick.

3. Roll eggplant in flour, dip in egg then coat with breadcrumbs. Deep-fry breaded eggplant until golden brown. Serve with sauce.

4. For the Sauce: Sauté garlic and mushrooms in oil, and add remaining DEL MONTE Italian Style Spaghetti Sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Boil, then cover and simmer for 3 minutes.

Lusog Notes

This dish is rich in vitamin B1 that supports normal growth and helps the body convert food to energy. It is also a source of calcium which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Chef's Tip

Excess flour and bread crumbs burn during deep frying. Tap to remove excess flour and crumbs.


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